This means that players can concentrate on having funWoTLK Gold from Emily's blog

A lot in ways Dragonflight WoTLK Gold is a return-to-basics game. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's gone are the flashy attention-grabbing new features such as Covenants, Soulbinds, Azerite Armor, Artifact Weapons, Class Halls or Garrisons Warsfronts Island Expeditions along with the like. Dragonflight's selection of key features is actually compact, with the majority of it focusing on the basics of the experience, which is class progression by way of new talent trees, reworked professions, and a resoundingly needed user interface upgrade. Character development has always been the core of what WoW is all about, and Dragonflight offers a refreshingly straightforward way to approach it. Your class is your class, and its potential is available for you to experiment with. Although every class is equipped with the latest talent trees, inspired by the game's pre-Mists-of-Pandaria days, there aren't any other bells or whistles that come with it. You select your talents. You learn some new abilities. You experiment. You find a model you like. You play. Simple as that.

It sounds like a simple idea It's not, but it's like refreshing to see a change in the air. For several expansions now, classes have been bound to various progression systems which, at the end of the day, served to make them more difficult to play. To be able to easily change the structure of the class and test the two different talent trees that are available for each specialization of the class (one for the class as a whole and one specific to the specialization) and not having to worry about crafting the next Legendary items, selecting the appropriate Covenant or even acquiring better Azerite power will be a welcomed game-changer.

This means that players can concentrate on having fun of their group and perfecting their preferred method of play, instead of grinding for advancement-related resources that eventually just serve to waste time. It was not my intention to put all classes' new talents to the test (there weren't more than a handful of classes that had their new talents in the model I played) Therefore, I'm not able to really say how each class is feeling with the new talent or what the balance between classes will be like. However, what's clear from my time playing Dragonflight WoTLK Classic Gold is that the new talent trees are a huge leap forward, even though they're inspired by the systems from the very beginning.

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