Progression bonuses added to the July update are still active from Emily's blog

Lost Ark is getting two more rounds of the weekend-only Fever Time Lost Ark Gold event to close out the month of July. This event lets you redeem rewards only on the Saturday, and on the Sunday. The event is part of the recent addition of progression bonuses in place after June's Spells In Spades update.

Progression bonuses added to the July update are still active and include the Punika Powerpass, by which you can raise any character at a rapid rate until item level 1302 using a one-time usage that pass. There are also Hyper Express events. This means that every character who is 1302+ (including any insta-leveled one on your roster) can participate in the progression challenges that can help them get to the level of item 1370. Also, it is part of Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which rewards players who win with items like honed supplies.

Now, you'll be able take advantage of these additional chests if you remember to log in on Saturday and Sunday between 3:01 AM and 2:59 AM PT on Saturday , and every day on Sunday to make your buy Lost Ark Gold claims.

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