The following are the paths you'll have to take in the journey from Sagelucy's blog

Afflict caution on RuneScape gold pures that have 1 Defense: You will not be in a position to return back to Ape Atoll after speaking to King Narnode in the event that your Defence level be under 33. You could return to Ape Atoll after killing the Jungle Demon, but you will be able to cause it to close (until you've boosted your Defense) in the event you communicate with the king.

To complete the quest talk to King Narnode.

If you find that the quest gets difficult, you may buy some OSRS gold from rsorder to aid in making it easier and faster!

That's it, congratulations! Quest is complete!

Experience rewards can be collected by chatting with Daero. You will be directed to Daero by Narnode, who will assign you for training as a new 10th team member.

OldSchool Runescape (OSRS) Monkey Madness I Quest

It may seem simple enough. But , until you have a monkey greegree, Ape Atoll will be an extremely hazardous locations to play in. Bring plenty of food or antipoison medicines, an emergency teleports and other things that are needed. Without them, you shouldn't set to the door. Of course, we are there for you and would like to see you succeeding in the end, and even staying alive, so consider turning off Auto Retaliate and using prayer for protection as it will raise your chances significantly.

4 chapters. Want to complete this goal? You will have to pass them all.

The following are the paths you'll have to take in the journey.

Chapter 1

Items needed: At least 3 inventory spaces in inventory which you'll need for the ranged attack to kill monkey bones should you not have one yet.

Start with King Narnode Talk to him. Following his directions, you'll need to look into Glough's old shipyard . Look for any trace of the 10th squad missing. Also, he will give you an official Gnome sealing seal. It's over, next stop is Karamja. If you're in need of a glider, you can purchase it at in the upper part of the Grand Tree to Karamja (Gandius). You can get some bones of monkeys from nearby monkeys to the west if you do not have one of those bones or a monkey corpse. Talk to G.L.O. Caranock The gnome is situated in The Shipyard to the north of glider landing site. In particular, this gnome will be waiting for you near the fence at the entrance to the south-facing area that is part of the Shipyard. Do not be shocked at first since he'll tell you to return back to the King. This may appear suspicious. Utilize the glider to get to the King. You will be given Narnode's commands and he'll ask you to speak with Daero. In the Grand Tree On the 1st floor, will find the bank. This could be your final chanceto make it happen, so take it wisely . Take antipoison remedies, food items as well as other items (please see above). Your next stop is the new head tree guardian Daero. Daero is located near Blurberry Bar, which is located on the First Floor of the Grand Tree. Check all possibilities of chat, and then let him know that you're willing to go. You will be taken to an underground hanger, after which he'll blindfold you. Talk to Daero yet again, since this time, he'll show cheap OSRS GP you Waydar. It is necessary to solve a "reinitialisation" problem later. It is accomplished by pressing the button to the south-east , using that southern glider. To check the answer players may take control pieces from an adjacent crate.

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