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I've been RS Gold the process of keying several times since I was 70 dg. I've created the list of things keyers and raiders need to do. This is a rule of thumb I've developed for myself, however you are able to modify it if you wish. Mark is a method in order to guide gds and doors.

Gatestone is a tool to secure some items that you as a keyer are not able to access. Prioritize rooms and gds that everyone in the team requires first, such as rooms for skills, keys, doors, etc. If doors that are not locked were closed, it is best to stay out of the group. It is important to remember the keying positions. If there are no other doors that are open, it's an excellent idea to record the information down.

Do you have two gds? If so, Sort them out and determine which one opens doors. Are there gates that are free? It could be used to reverse doors that you believe could result in an unintended de. Request your team members to drop off at ggs every time you require food. Team in gd but need door open? Lock the door, hand one teammate a gate and then ask for them to open the gate.

There is a need for a gate to be open, however the door isn't located in an Gd/W/E. Two options are available to choose from: shift your gate to the closest door or remember the location and move it to the point where your team is nearer. Get cosmics and tools immediately. No altar, no pray? Have your team create one. Dont's never skill, never ever do it. Don't perform gds unless required to open doors that are not accessible.

Don't give bosses things that aren't essential. This includes food, potions (unless required) and runes that are not essequious (unless required). It's not worthwhile summoning your familiars. The only way to summon an angry rager on floor warpedness is to summon them. Don't block anything that isn't necessary (farm patches or fishing spots, etc.).

Always feed the person who you're asked to. This is due to the fact that they are likely to suffer more harm (proved in the end-at-gd program, where the keyer will always have "meat shield award") So it is important to not keep food in your fridge.

There is no money, tools or cosmics right now later buy as soon as u get money. If the majority of the group isn't willing to pray, build an altar. Gate without asking! It's a huge aid keep in mind your inventory of keys and let everyone know what you're planning to do when you get there. Don't forget to announce the doors that are shut. If you spot an gd, immediately take action.

It is helpful to ensure that you have sufficient pots. Keyer requested that you ask him to permit the door to open when you were inside the Gd. The answer is GGs. Since opening the door takes longer than what gds accomplish. Do not forget to lock the first place. Always pay attention to the key. It's something I cannot over emphasize enough. Do you have any other suggestions?

It's a mix of steels and irons. I'm not sure of the source from which it originates. It is supposed to contain 110 irons and 100 steels. It took me about 5 hours, two trips and 6k blood runs to finish the firewave spell. There is 83 magic available currently. Join to receive more logs. You will continue if you want! Logs can be requested however, I'm not the best player. (You could also join me in the game called 'Tnx Buddy and tell me the reason.

If Andrew is interested in creating T-shirts, (he has a good grasp of Photoshop and graphic design, and is an "artsy" person) If you're willing to be willing to pay a small amount, I'm just curious if anyone might be interested in making a T-shirt.

Yes, I realize that some of you may not be interested. It's just for fun. Andrew isn't aware that I signed for him. This is just me testing the waters. This thread is more than an "what is the matter is that they're worth the effort?" type of thread. This thread is one I believe. The thread could be organized prior to when I started it. All is well!

While I'm not certain whether this should go included in the question section, the idea is to stimulate discussion, therefore I'll put it up here. The majority of shops have become ineffective since the advent of GE as well as prior to the introduction of GE. Some shops are beneficial, but they are mainly the ones that sell unusual items that aren't destined for GE or selling costly items in bulk for affordable prices like feathers and runes.

Stores that offer exclusive or non-tradeable goods can be beneficial, like Thessalia's clothing store, Xuan's store, or Faruq's gaming tools. Most stores that sell common items for gilinorians are not used and not needed. Today, no one is likely to offer gems to the jeweler or jewellery to jewelers. You can also visit the taverly to purchase Mithril IIh swords.

What changes are feasible to make shopping more efficient? What would your suggestion contribute to improving the value of shops and what do you think about other suggestions on this thread. For instance I think that stores selling clothing will be more profitable when they were operated like the Thessalia's. This would permit any clothing that isn't typical to be included within one's normal clothes. Since the clothes that are standard are appreciated and appreciated by everyone and clothing that is a bit more expensive is a barrier to armor or other essential things, this could make it more appealing to people to go to these stores.

Hey, guys and gals! Tas here you, your friend, the warm here-once, and then back to the RSOF lurker. In any case! Let me talk to you about the fraud I fell for and the steps you can do to prevent it. This is something I've not heard of before however I researched it and put it all together in my mind.

Beware of those who offer expensive costs for items that are extremely massive. "Need 300 steel pickaxes! I'll purchase each one for $10! It happened to me in ge. The customer bought two or three pickaxes made from steel for me. I paid 10k for each.

I was thinking way too quickly to be able to concentrate and I rushed to the Ge and tried to purchase more. They didn't buy. They didn't purchase anymore. When I realized it, I'd increased the cost to the 2k-3k, and 4k ranges, to make the item that was so expensive given by the person ("10k per a.m."). You'll require 300 pickaxes!

I paid a few thousand dollars for 100 to 200 pickaxes. They cost me the identical amount. When I went back to the user who was on ge and he was logged in. It's clear what transpired. It is clear what transpired. He announced the urgent need for pickaxes, at an amount higher than what the ones he sold and then purchased the pickaxes.

The letter from the GE stated that the offer was over, and the employee logged out. As I mentioned the name of the account was full of gibberish. I'm guessing that the money are going to be transferred to a primary account at some time. tongue.png

Be cautious of users who post "OMFG Need to Purchase Naooo" messages. This is particularly relevant if they need an enormous amount of useless item that you wouldn't normally be able to purchase. There is a chance that you'll be the only person in the GE feeling a bit lost and isolated. Cheers!

It's been in the game for two months now since the launch of Squeal of Fortune. We were looking to discuss some of the feedback from players and dispel some myths about the app's popularity.

In the beginning, I'd appreciate all those who provided feedback on the Squeal of Fortune update. The Squeal of Fortune was designed to be lighthearted and fun giving players the chance to earn rewards each time they sign into RuneScape. As with many of our updates, players receive twice the free spins they receive every day and we've developed it over time, offering all players a variety of ways to earn free Squeal spins.

We took great care like with every the content we include to RuneScape to ensure that the Squeal of Fortune would enhance and not diminish the game's characteristics that make it unique for the millions of players who play every single day. We are confident that we achieved both of these areas.

We know that there are a variety of opinions regarding Squeal of Fortune. Although we strive to make experiences that are appealing to everyone who plays It is not possible to satisfy all players due to the vast scale of our player base.

Our policy is to do what is right to ensure the longevity of the game. This is something that many veteran players be aware of. I have practiced this repeatedly throughout time, regardless of the initial discomfort. The bot nuke is an excellent illustration. I'm certain that we've been recognized for our actions over the long run. In reality, the game is improving every year, and the community we have built is constantly expanding.

We are still grateful for any feedback we receive about our posts and how users respond to them. We've been listening to all of your comments in the forums. We have listened to your complaints and have made some adjustments to Squeal of Fortune. This included new ways to earn additional spins in RS 2007 Gold form of rewards, and an additional protection of payments on all purchases within the game.
Activity: Feb 18 '22