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Valorant is Riot Games’ newest shooter. Unlike Call of Duty or Overwatch, Valorant is a tactical shooter, closer to Counter-Strike. This means that accuracy is key, teamwork is critical, and every bullet has the potential to be lethal. If you’ve never played a tactical shooter before, or just want some refreshers on what separates Valorant from the rest of the shooter genre, we’ve got a few tips to help you before you dive in.

Pick a role/agent

In Valorant, there are four primary agent roles. They are Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel. While the tutorial will have you using Sova, we recommend going through the different agents and discovering which role and playstyle best fit you.

How To Unlock Agents In Valorant

Beginners have access to a small roster of free agents, five in total: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova. The other agents are either unlocked by playing the game and earning XP or purchased outright with the in-game currency. You'll unlock your first two agents at level five and at level ten.

Always communicate with your teammates

Talk with your teammates before the match to discuss planning and strategy, and during the match to call out enemy locations, in-game movements and item drop locations. And it also helps to talk after the match to discuss if the tactics worked well.When calling out locations during the game, be as specific as possible. Miscommunication can cause problems for your team and hand the opponents the victory.

Valorant Beginner Guide to Weapons in the Game

At the beginning of each round, you will be offered to buy yourself abilities and weapons. Unlike the abilities that are unique to every agent, weapons are the same for everyone.

There are guns for every occasion. You got expensive guns, cheap guns, long-range, short-range, high damage, high fire rate, everything.

It is a matter of time when you find a perfect fit for yourself but let me tell you a standard that you will most likely end up using in this Valorant beginner guide. Because there is always the most optimal choice.

If you are not saving money this round the choice lands between 3 guns – Vandal, Phantom, and Operator. Vandal and Phantom are both close to mid-range weapons the difference is the damage and the recoil. Vandal has more recoil but deals more damage and vice versa. The Operator is a sniper rifle that will one-shot an enemy when killed in a body.

All the other guns are mostly for cases when you don’t have enough money for Vandal, Phantom, or Operator. And that is important to know because you might like Spectre’s low recoil and fast fire rate but it will be impossible to outgun someone armed with a Vandal.

Learn how to use the Valorant Shooting Range

The Shooting Range is your best friend when it comes to improving your aim, learning about an Agent, and practicing your abilities. To get to the Shooting Range, click Play and then click Practice in the bottom left corner. You can choose Open Range or Shooting Test from here to enter.

Once you’re in the range, you can choose which Agent to use, even if you haven’t unlocked them yet. You can freely practice using their abilities. You can also use the Shooting Test to practice your aim, or you can shoot at targets around the map.

Use your abilities

The one thing that sets Valorant apart from other tactical shooters is that each Agent has different abilities. Learning to use these abilities is key to your success. Many players that come from other shooters like Counter-Strike rely heavily on their gunplay skills and overlook abilities. This is a big mistake.

Regardless of which character you choose to play, using their abilities properly can give you an edge over your opponents. Learn what they do, which ones to buy each round, and how to get the most out of them.

And here you are, ready to become a part of Valorant. I hope this Valorant beginner guide gave you a headstart. If you ever feel like you are missing something or if you want to go more advanced, I recommend visit Valorant Accounts online store

If you're new to Valorant, you may be thinking about diving straight into ranked games. Unfortunately, that's not possible. To unlock ranked play in Valorant, all players must go through a simple process to help Riot accumulate an MMR starting place and place you in suitable games. Check out our comprehensive guide on how the Valorant ranking system works and how you can use it to your advantage.

How to improve rank in ValorantValorant has a total of eight tiers in their ranking system.









Iron is the lowest rank in Valorant while the best in the game belongs to the Radiant. However, all the players dream of making it to the regional leaderboards by reaching the Immortal rank.

All the ranks before Immortal are divided into three parts. Players need to climb through each rank to get to the leaderboards. However, the players' rank is determined by their performance in the game. If a player ends up on the winning side they get to see their rank-rating increase.

Players can play a match while queing with their friends or they can go ahead with a solo-queue. The rank-rating after a match is completely dependent on the final result and the player's individual performances. Moreover, Valorant has introduced a hidden MMR which is dependent on the player's past performances. The rank-rating also depends on the player's hidden MMR. If the player's hidden MMR is more than the actual rank then they get a huge boost in the rank-rating. However, the opposite can also happen if the hidden MMR is less than the actual rank.

Matchmaking Rating (MMR)

Valorant tracks a gamer’s individual performance using the MMR system. This is separate from your squad and takes into Valorant Accounts things like your Deaths, Kills, and successful plants, among other things. It’s essentially a score for overall performance.

Your games will be filled with gamers with comparable MMR scores, even if the value itself is concealed. Your MMR will rise as a result of stable solid performances and victories, and your lobby will have quality players.

Rank Rating (RR)

The viewable aspect of ranked evolution that gamers may see is Ranked Rating. Gamers are rewarded with RR points depending on their effectiveness whether they win or lose games. When a gamer’s MMR exceeds their Rank, they will acquire more RR for victories than they lose for failures, putting them in a relatively safe position for improving the ranks.

The scheme is intended to place gamers in a state known as “Convergence,” in which their MMR and rank ring true in connection to one another. Convergence essentially means that for Ws or Ls, gamers will increase or decrease the RR.

Valorant’s standings do not degrade over time. However, lengthy gaps between games can lead to placement matches, affecting MMR and RR. Between every act, rank is rebooted, requiring a placement game to reclaim rank. The valued rank is determined by the prior rank they held as well as their effectiveness during the placement game.

How to Climb in Valorant

Climbing the Valorant ranking system is easier if you focus more on improving your skills. You cannot control how your teammates play, so just try to play your best every time. The ranking system values the fact that you win as well as how you do it.

If you are a consistent Match MVP or have a good combat score, you will easily advance in the ranking system. Getting good performances also means losing less RR during defeats and earning more for wins. That way, as long as you win at least half of your matches, you will still earn net RR.You should learn a few agents that you can play well and consistently. It’s easier to climb the Valorant ranking system when you’ve mastered your main agent.

Now you know how the Valorant ranking system works and what affects your rank. Visit to Buy Ranked Valorant Accounts to enjoy the game. Good luck and see you on the leaderboards!