I feel that noteable by-name items from Weiweismart's blog

I feel that noteable by-name items are likely to WOW TBC Gold disappear quickly in later expansions. Except for the maledict trinket, which was not remembered due to good reasons, I'm able to name some wotlk and cata items.

2-healing NB is my preferred method of healing. I use pots early to replenish my mana close to full. Shadow friend is a character that appears during the 2nd ground phase. I can also make use of pot CD to replenish it before the end of the battle if I have it. I also carry runes however I do not use them, unless SHTF

It's what I typically do too, while being with my guild and I have a good relationship with my fellow runners. The bangle is a great choice for pugs. It's great for tailswiping, in cases where people are slow and weaker than I am, and chaotic air phases.

The Healer trinkets are insignificant for P1. I'm still using Essence of the Martyr as well as Rejuv Gem as my preferred choice Gem, but I'm just swapping Gem out for Eye of Gruul on Mag garbage or (formerly) Blue Dragon on Nightbane. There are Bangle Brooch, Warp-Scarab, and Bangle. But neither is an incredibly powerful piece.

It is possible to replace them however you'll be behind in terms of expertise cap when you do so since the legs that are off set and the t5 legs aren't have the 22 expertise. The majority of pallys agree that we'll continue to carry them around for a while.

If you're all three of them and are human you can remove your pants for a bit, but it's recommended that you keep them as a transition piece while you are gearing in the p3. I do not know how other animals handle it, maybe they don't even take them off , not certain.

The healing mace "Trauma" for my resto shaman .... getting to see the screen change to green with many tiny healing swathes popping out .... that was my thing.

Edit: Trauma, Glowing Twilight Slope because the healing from chain heal is considered to be a direct healing even on subsequent hops. I could heal 20 raid members in one go.

Edit: The four pieces of tier 10 armor that allowed your target to receive chain heal crits improved their healing by 25% over time. This was added to the insane output you could get as a resto-shaman.

Chainheal isn't gear dependent. But holy balls did getting this product make it an absolute game changer. It can transform cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold you from being a "really excellent healer" to a straight-up "god-tier"

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