ChitoRamos's blog

As the saying goes, “Sitting is the new smoking.” In today’s world, we spend most of our workdays sitting on chairs that are not ergonomically designed for comfort. Fortunately, standing desks have emerged as a healthy alternative to conventional desks, and more and more companies are adopting them. Standing desks, also known as sit stand desk, adjustable height desk, electric standing desk, or L-shaped standing desk, are desks that allow you to stand while working.

Sitting for prolonged periods is linked to several health problems, including back pain, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. That's why standing desks have gained popularity in recent years as an alternative for traditional desks. Standing desk is an ergonomic solution designed to promote a healthy posture, boost productivity, and reduce fatigue.

Standing desks have numerous benefits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, they promote an active lifestyle by discouraging prolonged sitting, which has been linked to various health problems such as back pain, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Standing while working also burns more calories than sitting, which helps maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, standing desk improve posture and core strength, reducing the risk of muscle strain and injury.

Another great option is the L-shaped standing desk, which provides ample surface area for multiple screens, documents, and other office accessories. With this design, users can enjoy the benefits of standing while also having ample space to work efficiently.

In addition to physical health benefits, standing desks also improve productivity and focus. Standing desks promote better blood flow, which in turn boosts brain activity, leading to a more alert and focused mind. Additionally, standing desks help reduce fatigue and increase energy levels, which can lead to better work performance. Moreover, standing desks enhance creativity by allowing better movement and flexibility while working.

However, before investing in a standing desk, it is essential to consider a few things. Firstly, you need to choose the right type of standing desk that suits your needs. Electric standing desk is powered by motors that allow users to adjust the height of the desk with a push of a button. Alternatively, hand-crank standing desks can be adjusted manually, while fixed-height standing desks have a fixed height that cannot be adjusted. Additionally, you need to choose a desk that has enough space and can hold your equipment, documents, and other necessary items.

However, switching to a standing desk requires some adjustment, and several factors must be considered before making the transition. For example, you need to choose the right height, footwear, and standing duration to avoid discomfort and fatigue. You should also gradually increase your standing time and listen to your body's signals to avoid overuse injuries.

Using a standing desk may take some getting used to, so it is important to start gradually. Most experts recommend starting with standing for around 30 minutes and gradually building up to 2-3 hours per day. It is also crucial to take breaks and incorporate other physical activities such as stretching, walking, or even doing some simple exercises. Lastly, adjustable height desk work best when used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

In conclusion, standing desks are an effective way to boost both physical health and work productivity. They promote an active lifestyle, improve focus and energy levels and enhance creativity. However, it is essential to choose the right type of standing desk, start gradually, take breaks, and incorporate other physical activities. By implementing a L shaped standing desk into your daily routine, you will enjoy the health benefits and increased productivity that come along with it.

In summary, standing desks are a valuable addition to any workspace, especially for those who spend long hours sitting. They offer several physical and mental benefits, including improved health, increased productivity, and better overall well-being. Whether you opt for an adjustable height desk or L-shaped standing desk, investing in a standing desk could be a worthy investment towards your health and productivity.

The sedentary lifestyle that comes with most office jobs is a silent killer that is slowly taking a toll on many people. Sitting for hours on end has been linked to various health problems, including obesity, poor posture, and increased risk of heart disease. Enter the standing desk, an adjustable height desk that allows you to work while standing up. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of this innovative new trend and why you should consider making the switch.

With the rise of work-at-home jobs and remote work, more and more people are spending hours sitting in front of their computer screens. The traditional desk, however, is being replaced by the standing desk, which offers numerous benefits. Standing desks come in various shapes and sizes, from adjustable height to electric, to L-shaped. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of standing desks, and explain why they are a vital addition to any modern workspace.

Sitting for long periods can lead to a host of problems, including poor posture. Incorporating a sit stand desk can help improve your posture by providing an alternative position while working. Standing straight up while typing or using the mouse can help combat the hunching and slouching that comes with sitting for long periods.

One of the most significant benefits of standing desks is that they help boost energy levels, enabling you to power through long workdays without feeling groggy. Sitting for too long can result in fatigue and sluggishness, making it difficult to stay focused and productive. Sit stand desk provides bursts of energy and help keep your mind alert and your body active.

Sitting for extended periods has been linked to various health problems, such as obesity and increased risk of heart disease. Standing desks can help combat these issues by promoting physical activity and improving circulation. Standing up while working helps to burn calories, increase blood flow, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

One of the reasons why electric standing desk are becoming so popular is the potential for increased productivity. When you stand while working, you are more likely to stay alert, stay focused, and power through tasks quicker. Standing desks can also be incredibly beneficial during meetings, as they promote better communication and collaboration.

The evidence speaks for itself, standing desks are a revolutionary solution to the problems of sedentary work. With long-term health benefits, bolstered by higher energy levels, better posture, improved productivity, and overall physical health, it's hard to argue that the traditional L shaped standing desk is anything but outdated. Whether you're working from home or in a traditional office environment, the standing desk is a game-changer that you can't afford to ignore.

To learn more about the benefits of Fezibo standing desks and how to implement them in the workplace, please refer to our previous blog post:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

1. Pneumatic desk = power free mobility
A pneumatic workstation offers complete mobility to keep your space flexible. There’s no need to set up shop near an open outlet – unless you want to. Add lockable casters and slide your workstation around wherever you need to, without running over your standing desk cord. Change your room layout easily, whenever you feel like it. A strong, lightweight tabletop – like particleboard surfaced with Formica – means there’s no need to call in the furniture movers when you rearrange.

2. A pneumatic desk can raise or lower in less than 3 seconds.
That’s less than the time it takes for one breath. (And it’s about as whisper quiet.) Compared to an electric desk, a pneumatic desk moves 8X faster. These quick, smooth adjustments are the hallmark of pneumatic desks, and add a lot to the overall enjoyment of using a standing desk.

3. A pneumatic desk = the easiest way to start standing – or stand more
A pneumatic desk is the easiest way to support the active, standing lifestyle. Why? A pneumatic adjustable height desk height desk supports your natural movements, moving at pace with you as you change positions throughout the day. Quick adjustments mean you can easily tweak the height until you hit just the right spot. Find the sit/stand rhythm that works best for you, with no training needed to adjust the desk, and no complicated presets.

The overall usability of a pneumatic desk lets you gradually build the muscles needed to stand more — and to make a real change over time. With a pneumatic sit-stand desk, you still have the option to sit as needed. When transitions are so easy, they become second nature. And that’s the key to lasting change.

No-pressure way to start standing; you still have the option to sit
Slowly build muscles for standing over time — alternating between postures — for lasting change
Fine-tuned adjustment to find your unique sweet spot, easily
3-second adjustment; movement is encouraged by design
No training needed to get started standing
No complicated presets — just fine-tune to find the sweet spot

4. The desk that can actually boost your productivity
It’s a given: when you’re more comfortable, you’re more productive. Pneumatic desks, with their precise adjustability, enable you to shift seamlessly to the most comfortable position at any given moment.

Being faster than electric standing desk means these little adjustments don’t interrupt your work flow. Once you achieve a flow state, any distraction means a 20 minute interval before you get back there again. Pneumatic desks dramatically reduce those pesky interruptions.

5. Durable, long-lasting desks
With fewer components than a motorized desk, a pneumatic system is simply more dependable. Though electric desk motors are known for motor burn-out and failures, pneumatic desks introduce no maintenance or malfunction. So no service calls or power losses, no spikes or collisions.

A well designed pneumatic desk, built with commercial grade materials, can last 30 years or more – a very wise investment over time. Our desks are the only commercial-grade pneumatic standing desk on the market – quality, American-made pneumatic desks designed in Germany, built with Swiss steel.

6. Safer than an electric, motorized desk
With fewer mechanized components, pneumatic-powered desks are simply safer than sit stand desk. You’re in complete control of the desk’s movement, so you can stop it instantly during adjustment to avoid pinches and collisions.

What’s more, you aren’t going to cause an electrical fire or damage your standing desk’s lifting system just by spilling your coffee. And there is no risk of fire from a voltage issue or a wiring break.

Can stop the desk instantly when adjusting; you control the motion
No risk of electric fire when you spill your coffee
No chance of voltage or wiring break causing a fire

7. The recyclable, lower carbon footprint desk
A pneumatic desk with a long product lifecycle and a low carbon footprint helps keep our planet green. High quality pneumatic desks (like our Andern and Luften desks) can easily last 30 years or more, and will be built for 100% recyclability. Their electric desk counterparts are subject to motor burn outs and malfunctions, so they’re more apt to become non-functional, with multiple electronic components that aren’t recyclable.

8. The most reliable standing desk option
In the world of height adjustable desks, a pneumatic L shaped standing desk is the most reliable desk you can find. The clean pneumatic mechanism reduces the number of parts and wear. And because there is no integrated power in a pneumatic desk, you’ll never struggle to reset the desk after a power outage.

Are you among those who employ their laptops at the same time as relaxing in bed or on a sofa? You have to be conscious that laptops emit a warmth that is very uncomfortable when being used on your lap. This heat no longer vents out nicely due to the fact the airflow has nowhere genuinely to go. This is where an adjustable height desk wins you over.

Whether you are sitting on a piece of furniture or you just need to have your desktop/laptop at a comfortable height on a desk you already are using, choosing the right adjustable standing desk converter can solve all of your problems.

Benefits Of The Adjustable Standing Desk Converter

Work In Any Room You Want

With this standing desk converter, you can make use of it as a full-size sitting desk for your couch, bed, or anywhere you want to use your laptop comfortably.

Built To Last
Most adjustable standing desk converters are built with metal which makes them very sturdy and actually lasts a long time. One company we really recommend that does a good job with this is Zero Gravity Tables.

Enjoy The Portability
One amazing benefit of using an adjustable standing desk converter is how you can bring it with you to any place you go. A great example of this is if you want to turn your desk at work into a standing desk, simply bring your adjustable standing desk converter and set it at your work-station. You’ll probably notice a week after your co-workers will be following your trend.

Switch To Different Heights With Ease
During the day you might want to switch positioning and the adjustable sit stand desk converter can help. Switch to different heights with a push of a button and go from sitting to standing with no hassle.

Finding The Ideal Adjustable Standing Desk Converter
I’m sure you have a lot of reasons why you are shopping for an adjustable standing desk converter and before you make a major purchase you should consider some things like:

Is the standing desk converter the right choice for you
One goal of yours should be to keep moving while you work to really see the benefits. If you are someone who switches positions quite a bit or even find yourself taking small breaks to stand then an adjustable standing desk can be the perfect choice for you. This will also be a way to improve your focus and performance.

Should it be height adjustable?
This is a major YES. Everyone has is different height so selecting one that’s height adjustable is something you need. Having the option to work at a height you prefer and using the flexibility a height adjustable standing desk converter has to offer will make you more comfortable.

When reading, writing, or using your keyboard, you will definitely be happy about the height adjustability.

Additional Tips When Shopping For Your Adjustable Standing Desk Converter

A lot of people ask how high or low the L-shaped standing desk converter should adjust. Most standing desk converters on the market will give you the range you need to go from sitting to standing easily. FEZIBO Tables offers the best adjustment range in our opinions but other good options would be Versa Desk or Versa Tables. If the adjustable standing is not for you then don’t panic, the companies mentioned above have a 30 Day Refund Policy.

If you need a specific height, size or measurement make sure to check for these:

The thickness of the metal and surface
The space the keyboard rests on
The width of the standing desk converter
The size and thickness of your floor mat that you use
Choose a standing desk converter that is around the same height of your elbow when you are sitting or that is around the same height as your elbow when standing. You should also be taking measurements, that will help you big time when making your decision. Remember to keep in mind that any floor mat or anti-fatigue mat can affect your height measurements.

Final Thoughts
Purchasing an adjustable electric standing desk converter is the right path to living a more healthier lifestyle so don’t forget about the tips we mentioned above and you’ll be all set when making your final decision. You can also read our article on the Top Standing Desk Risers Of 2022. Until next time, Stay standing my friends!

Welcome to Standing Desk Blog! Read about standing desk and desk risers. Feel free to write your own blog and give us your experiences. Compare different standing desks by reading the reviews, reading the blogs, interact with the questions we have on each page, comment your thoughts, and share on social media what you find. Learn more about the benefits of using a standing desk, how you can improve your health and increase your energy, increase your work place productivity and more. We actually care about this industry and want to help so ask any questions you might have. We keep all of our information about standing desks and desk risers up to date.

1. Pneumatic desk = power free mobility
A pneumatic workstation offers complete mobility to keep your space flexible. There’s no need to set up shop near an open outlet – unless you want to. Add lockable casters and slide your workstation around wherever you need to, without running over your adjustable height desk cord. Change your room layout easily, whenever you feel like it. A strong, lightweight tabletop – like particleboard surfaced with Formica – means there’s no need to call in the furniture movers when you rearrange.

No extra cords = easy to relocate and no risk of running over your desk’s cord
Lightweight (if you opt for a strong, but lightweight tabletop)
No outlet-based limitations on where you can take your desk
Total mobility (just add lockable casters)
Total freedom with your room’s layout

2. A pneumatic desk can raise or lower in less than 3 seconds.
That’s less than the time it takes for one breath. (And it’s about as whisper quiet.) Compared to an electric desk, a pneumatic desk moves 8X faster. These quick, smooth adjustments are the hallmark of pneumatic desks, and add a lot to the overall enjoyment of using a standing desk.

3. A pneumatic desk = the easiest way to start standing – or stand more
A pneumatic desk is the easiest way to support the active, standing lifestyle. Why? A pneumatic adjustable height desk supports your natural movements, moving at pace with you as you change positions throughout the day. Quick adjustments mean you can easily tweak the height until you hit just the right spot. Find the sit/stand rhythm that works best for you, with no training needed to adjust the desk, and no complicated presets.

The overall usability of a pneumatic L-shaped standing desk lets you gradually build the muscles needed to stand more — and to make a real change over time. With a pneumatic sit-stand desk, you still have the option to sit as needed. When transitions are so easy, they become second nature. And that’s the key to lasting change.

4. The desk that can actually boost your productivity
It’s a given: when you’re more comfortable, you’re more productive. Pneumatic desks, with their precise adjustability, enable you to shift seamlessly to the most comfortable position at any given moment.

Being faster than electric desks means these little adjustments don’t interrupt your work flow. Once you achieve a flow state, any distraction means a 20 minute interval before you get back there again. Pneumatic desks dramatically reduce those pesky interruptions.

5. Durable, long-lasting desks
With fewer components than a motorized desk, a pneumatic system is simply more dependable. Though electric desk motors are known for motor burn-out and failures, pneumatic sit stand desk introduce no maintenance or malfunction. So no service calls or power losses, no spikes or collisions.

A well designed pneumatic desk, built with commercial grade materials, can last 30 years or more – a very wise investment over time. Our desks are the only commercial-grade pneumatic standing desk on the market – quality, American-made pneumatic desks designed in Germany, built with Swiss steel.

6. Safer than an electric, motorized desk
With fewer mechanized components, pneumatic-powered desks are simply safer than electric desks. You’re in complete control of the desk’s movement, so you can stop it instantly during adjustment to avoid pinches and collisions.

What’s more, you aren’t going to cause an electrical fire or damage your electric standing desk lifting system just by spilling your coffee. And there is no risk of fire from a voltage issue or a wiring break.

Can stop the desk instantly when adjusting; you control the motion
No risk of electric fire when you spill your coffee
No chance of voltage or wiring break causing a fire

Some of your biggest problems with your health and productivity are directly related to sitting too much during your work. Understand what a height adjustable standing desk can do how it can enhance the productivity of your corporate office or home office life.

Yes ? Good news! It's not your fault!

One small mistake, the answer to this is your desk height and working posture. This post has a good solution for you. Better understanding how variable-height desks can improve the way you work and thus reduce your aches and pains and enhance your focus.

What is a table with height adjustment?

The height adjustment stand up desk is a work table that allows you to move it up or down with an electronic motor. It can be used in both sitting and standing positions by means of an electronic adjustment device that moves the base of the table up and down.
Adjustable desk is catered for office, office work and workspace. This is a great resource for your work process, with this desk you will be more comfortable your work increases productivity significantly.

There are 3 main reasons to use a height adjustable desk

#1 Tailor your desk to yourself, not the other way around: it's like driving a car without changing seats and mirrors. The car is prepared to suit you. Why not your desk? You spend more time on it.
If you pay attention while sitting at your desk, you will probably notice that you are bending to the side, your neck will be bent, your wrist will have no support.
Usually, you go to your corner standing desk and put your stuff there and start working. Your body has been adjusted to your environment, when the main point of the table is the support for your work.
Everyone has a different height, but what is more unique remains with body proportions: the size of the body and limbs. That's why you need a desk that fits and supports you.
It's important to mention that this can be very helpful if the desk is shared, so the same desk can be unique to many people.

#2 Take care of your body in one of the most frequent activities of your routine: if you work by computer, you spend an average of 8 hours a day at your office.
Keeping the body healthy is not only exercising regularly but also taking care of the body at all times. Especially in more repetitive situations, such as during work.
Considering the frequency and the long hours, you should be comfortable with the height of the desk. Switching between standing and sitting increases this comfort because you can change positions without having to bend your body or sit down from the chair.
These daily menstrual hours have a high price in terms of your health. Don't neglect your body.

#3 Switching between standing and sitting at work makes you healthier and more productive: consciously shifting your position puts your body at ease, so you'll stay energized throughout the process. work schedule.
The explanation is simple: uncomfortable body = distracted mind, so a good posture will naturally get you ready for your activities.
Working standing is a simple solution to changing positions without changing activity, acting as an extra dose of readiness to study or work.
Research shows that standing on l shaped standing desk for at least 2 hours a day, which has many benefits for your health, standing for a few hours helps prevent the following diseases:
heart-related diseaes
cancer (especially of the uterus or breast)
premature death
Booths – up tables, the English term for tables with adjustable height, are useful for people who spend long hours sitting throughout the day.

They reduce a lot of costs in companies with high employee volume, as the same board can fit all employees. Thus, the company saves on fitting furniture and even in physiotherapists for care.
health because of excess due to sitting too much.

Environments want to innovate and stay ahead. Having a desk with a small LED screen and adjustable height of the table is a sign of care and dedication, in addition to leaving the environment much more modern. Contradictory to talk about innovation and having an office from the 1980s.
For those who work in a home office, having an adjustable height desk makes it easier to leave the space and helps with productivity, which is often a big challenge for those who work. at home. It should also be added that one of the key values ​​of a home office is to feel comfortable in your work environment, which goes well with a desk.

In short, the Adjustable standing desk with drawers allows each person to customize their own height and thus a more pleasant environment.

The big advantage of a height adjustable desk is the ability to work sitting and standing, providing huge benefits to your health and productivity.

When choosing your console, it's important to know how to move it. Its mechanism and specifications such as voltage and weight are shown very simply.

Many people have owned and benefited from desks. It's a matter of changing habits, and thus, improving performance.

While the concept of standing up to carry out desk work is nothing new (even Leonardo Da Vinci is said to have used a standing desk to create his Renaissance masterpieces), many people are still wondering if standing desks are worth it. Do they really make a difference to how we feel and perform at work, or are they just a gimmick?

1. You're supposed to stand up all day

Fans of the US Office might remember the scene where Dwight used a standing desk to elevate himself literally and, in his eyes, symbolically, above his co-workers. Justifying his new workstation, he says: "Picture someone doing something heroic. Now, is he sitting, or standing?" The joke quickly turns on Dwight when, having publicly declared electric standing desk to be superior, he doggedly refuses to be seen sitting at any point - even on his lunch break. Well and truly fatigued, he eventually - but not at all convincingly, conceals a walking stick up one trouser leg so he can rest while still appearing to be upright: a decision that ultimately results in his (literal) fall from grace.
Instead of staying in one place all day and ending up fatigued, for every half-hour chunk, try sitting for 20 minutes, standing for eight and moving for two.

2. Standing desks are an expensive gimmick

Gimmicky products look appealing but are largely useless. There are no shortage of gimmicks in the health and wellbeing industry, but sit-stand desks aren't one of them. Firstly, every computer-user needs a standing desk, and even if you eventually fall out of love with sit-stand working, your standing desk will still function as a sitting desk - and at least you'll always have the option to stand if the fancy takes you.

Secondly, our sit-stand desks are built to last. Some products are used until the novelty wears off, and then discarded. Our sit-stand desks are designed to be used every day for years.

Why are standing desks so popular now?
Sit-stand desk popularity is on the rise for a number of reasons, including:

Hybrid working is the new norm and people working from home are taking control of their own workplace health and wellbeing. With less space to roam, being able to stand to work is a great way to stay active and energised.
There is an increasing body of research highlighting the risks of sedentary behaviour.
People are noticing the physical and mental health benefits of small standing desk.
Increasing interest has a domino effect: sit-stand desks are appearing more often in the office and in enviable WFH-set-up photos on social media, making people more keen to give them a go.
More options on the market at a lower price, from sit-stand converters, to full size electric desks.

How are standing desks good for you? After a few weeks of use, you might notice a variety of sit-stand desk benefits, including:

3. They don't do anything for your health

It's true that swapping some of your sitting time for standing is unlikely to result in noticeable weight loss or muscle gains. If this is your goal, you're better off kickstarting a workout regime and assessing your diet. Your crank standing desk is not fitness equipment. It's a wellbeing tool.

With the freedom to move between sitting and standing, you're less likely to get caught up in prolonged sedentary postures. Spending too long in one place - especially sitting, can result in aches, pains, fatigue and a drop in productivity. Your breathing and circulation could be affected by sitting for too long, so the simple act of standing up, activating your leg and core muscles and raising your heart rate slightly, should help oxygenate and revive your body.

How are standing desks good for you? After a few weeks of use, you might notice a variety of sit-stand desk benefits, including:

  • Mildly boost your daily activity levels: It doesn't seem like much to stand up and sit down, but the transition activates your leg and core muscles, slightly increases heart rate and boosts calorie burn.
  • Relieve pent-up tension: You may not even realising you're tensing your body, but feelings of stress can cause you to contract your muscles (fight reflex), which can lead to injury over time. Moving positions regularly keeps you aware of your body and gives you a chance to shake out any tense areas.
  • Feel more confident: Dwight wasn't 100% wrong when he claimed standing to be superior. A theory published in the journal Psychological Science argued that certain power poses (including standing) could help reduce stress hormones and increase feelings of confidence and energy. So, if you're dealing with a tricky situation at work and you need to feel emboldened, try standing up.
  • Improve your work performance: Research shows that switching to a sit-stand desk can help improve decision-making skills, problem-solving, accuracy and creativity.

To conclude: yes, standing computer desk are still popular. There are several sit-stand desk benefits proven by science and reported by users that make this form of working superior to traditional sedentary work (thanks, Dwight). Bear in mind that standing desks should be height adjustable so that you can swap positions regularly.

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