dtertz's blog

In fact, the vacuum cleaner "converted the form" rather than "reduced"

Anyone who does housework on a regular basis knows that after cleaning the dust off the surface of a wooden or tile floor, it must be mopped again with a rag before it is truly clean!

Otherwise, even if using large suction cleaning equipment to handheld vacuum cleaner for homeclean the ground seriously sucked once, barefoot walking around not only sticky feet, but also black soles!

So, instead of "vacuuming," "scrubbing" is the key to ground cleaning, ah!

When we grasp this concept and then return to the "vacuum cleaner" small appliances, we will notice that their "cleaning the ground" positioning is a little awkward.


The vacuum cleaner has some advantages, one of which is its suction power!

It can suck dust and debris not only from the floor, but also from the cracks of fabrics, appliances, and furniture.

The disadvantages are that it cannot clean wet garbage, it is inconvenient to operate in a water-filled environment, it must be cleaned manually after use, and it is difficult to store.

Based on these two points, vacuum cleaners' "main battlefield" has shifted from indoor floors to large carpets in hotels/guest rooms/events.

On a daily basis, vacuum cleaners are still very effective at removing dust and small waste particles hidden in the pile.

The most practical application, however, is in the car, where a handheld mini-vacuum can precisely remove dust and garbage from small crevices and fabric interiors.

So vacuum cleaners are not "diminishing," but rather gradually withdrawing from the "battleground" of home floor cleaning.

When the vacuum cleaner is "out of the picture," it is more often left to sweeping robots and/or scrubbers to clean the home floor.

So, now that we've cleared that up, who is better suited to modern household cleaning needs, the sweeping robot or the scrubber?

It is known that the floor cleaning needs of modern families are "spotless", and preferably "labor-saving" and "hands-free".

So, let's compare and contrast the requirements...

Robot sweeping.

The "sweeping robot" can only sweep the floor and is actually equivalent to a micro vacuum cleaner that can walk automatically, so don't argue. We've come to talk about the more practical sweeping and dragging one robot.

Advantages: small size, takes up no space, can resume charging after the operation is finished, less worry.

Disadvantages: can only clean dust and small particles of dry garbage; cannot clean wet garbage or large stains.

The mopping cloth loaded on the sweeping robot, in particular, is generally a small piece, a little dragging has been dirty, and in the end, almost the robot dragging a dirty mopping cloth all over the house, the floor is not only not cleaner, but dirty more evenly.

Unless and until......

The robot is not only dirtier, but it is also dirtier more evenly.

(The sweeping robot mop is filthy; you must remove it and clean it or it will drag you around.)

Finally, the most convenient aspect of the sweeping robot is that you can use the time to go to work so that the robot can clean at home, and then return home to a clean floor.

However, the degree of cleanliness is debatable.

Scrubber for the floor.

The floor scrubber will later gain momentum and be "contracted" by an increasing number of families to clean the ground life of small appliances.

Many families are out in the sun enjoying the various benefits of the floor scrubber.

For example, the recent URI home scrubber fire, whether it is sticky raw eggs, greasy soup, and will "pull" the syrup and so on, it can be "once through" scrubbed clean.

As a result, the scrubber is nearly "unbeatable" in terms of cleaning power.

As long as the ground on the garbage stains, no matter how sticky it is, how much oil, how much soup water, is the sweeping robot and vacuum cleaner helpless in the case, you can clean up clean, spotless with the scrubber.

To summarize, vacuum cleaners can only suck away dust, while sweeping robots use a rag to wipe down the entire family and deep clean, but this also depends on the scrubber.




With my personal experience, a vacuum cleaner for parents superior to a sweepin5

Many students have never left their city before the college entrance exams, so they can only rely on the information on the Internet to choose what to do in their four years of college, so that the majority of them will make a choice that they will regret.

So how exactly should you choose a college major? What points should you consider? The following experiences are brought to you by people who have come here.

First choice of double-class universities

The first thing you need to do is to get a good CHO Wing sing idea of what you want to do. 985, then 211, and after that other schools.

Choose a major to choose the school's ace major

There are some students who have misconceptions about majors, and they will choose the university's unbelievable major just to go to a university that sounds good. This kind of decision is not 100%, but at least one hundred and ninety percent is wrong. Choose a major must choose the school ace major, you can choose the institution for the major, but not for the institution to choose the major.

Get the actual orientation of professional employment

Many people do not do their homework when choosing a major, always take for granted what they think they will do in the future, and after going there, they find that the reality is far from the ideal. For example, civil engineering, medical profession, etc. are all professions that are easy to enroll in wrongly and regret. When choosing a major, students should understand the destination of the graduates of the major, if it is similar to your imagination, then you will definitely not regret after going there.

In general, when choosing a major, you can think about the above three problems, and this major will not be a major that you regret.

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